Senate Republicans ramp up attacks on Dem opposition to tax law

The Senate Republicans’ campaign arm is escalating its attacks on Democrats running in key races over opposition to the GOP’s tax overhaul.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is launching a five-figure digital ad campaign, which was shared first with The Hill, that touts the various benefits of the tax law for families. The ad then rewinds and accuses Democrats of wanting to undo them.

Democrats have said they want to repeal parts of the tax law, framing the legislation as prioritizing corporations and wealthy individuals over middle-class families.

ADVERTISEMENTThe ads will run as 6-second and 15-second versions on Facebook and YouTube in the 10 states that President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE won in 2016 where Democratic incumbents are up for reelection.

They’ll also run in Nevada and Arizona, where Democrats have their best opportunities to pick up Senate seats.

“Instead of fighting to help middle-class families, Senate Democrats are doing everything they can to repeal the tax cuts to appease their radical base and out of touch leadership,” NRSC communications director Katie Martin said in a statement.

“By promising to repeal the tax cuts, Democrats are making it clear they would rather take money out of Americans’ pockets than give them the financial relief they need and deserve.”

Republicans believe running on the tax law will buoy them in the midterms, where they’ll likely face strong headwinds this fall. The party is looking to protect its slim 51-seat majority in the upper chamber.

A number of GOP groups have run ad campaigns aggressively promoting the tax overhaul and slamming Democrats for their opposition to it, particularly those running in red states. No Democrats voted for the bill.

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Meanwhile, Democrats have run their own countermessaging with ad buys attacking the tax law and protecting their most vulnerable members.

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