In a move that campaigners say highlights the power of public pressure, European lawmakers this week postponed a debate and vote on a key and highly contentious resolution within the pending Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), stalling the advancement of the world’s biggest so-called free trade agreement.
On Tuesday, European Parliament President Martin Schulz decided to delay the provision vote and on Wednesday Parliament members, known as as MEPs, voted to push back debate, as well.
According to BBC, the non-binding resolution contained recommendations on issues including “data protection, transparency and the status of public services,” as well as recommendations on the highly-contentious issue of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
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Under ISDS, international corporations are empowered to sue governments for millions of dollars in closed-door tribunals, if those corporations deem their profits are affected by new laws or changes in policy.
Growing public opposition to the controversial trade agreement has split European lawmakers, with those on the left arguing that the pact will only further entrench corporate power, as well as water down European food, pesticide, labor, pharmaceutical, and other regulations in order to remove so-called “trade barriers.”
Following the 183 to 181 vote on Wednesday, Irish MEP Sean Kelly said, “The vote’s postponement is a response to the enormous pressure from civil society,” in reference to an anti-TTIP petition, already signed by 2 million Europeans.