VIDEO: Being The Elite – Under the limit battle royale

The second part of this week’s three-part Being The Elite episode was posted today. 

The episode was centered around a battle royal with a special stipulation. 

Highlights from the show included:

Matt Hardy delivered the rules for the Under The Limit Battle Royale
Every 60 seconds a new person comes in
You can enter the battle royale in groups of two if you’re jobbers
The winner of the match gets to main event BTE Episode 200 and choose his match


SCU discussed the entry numbers they drew for the battle royale. 
Private Party were shown watching BTE matches in a backyard. They began to spar. Their friend EJ appeared and they had a handicap match. Private Party defeated EJ. This was shot in the manner of action movie fight sequence. 
After the match, a giant teddy bear appeared at Private Party’s house. The bear exploded. A mystery man was shown lurking in the yard, watching on with glee as Private Party fell victim to the exploding bear. 
Britt Baker appeared on a video conference call. She said she has a broken nose but always has Tony Schiavone’s best interests in mind. 
Baker conferenced in Schiavone and Benigno Bodega the future teller. Bodega insulted Tony and told him he still has heat with Mick Foley. Bodega said Tony has a cavity. Baker freaked out. 
Bodega said Tony will get a call later that will show him his future. Tony exited the video conference and answered a phone call from Starbucks, offering him their lead barista position. 
We saw a Luchasaurus dream sequence. His mother told him to find his tail. Super Panda briefly appeared. Taya Valkyrie appeared and chopped Luchasaurus’s head off. Luchasaurus woke up and said he needs to see a doctor. 
Kenny Omega appeared at the Nightmare Factory. He was waiting to use the restroom. He pounded on the door and said he really needed to use the bathroom. Colt Cabana answered and said he was busy working. 
Omega said he didn’t want to flex his EVP muscle, but this was an emergency. He walked to another part of the building. He opened the door to an out of order bathroom and Cabana was in that room as well. 
Cabana tossed Omega some toilet paper and told him to go outside. 


Nick Jackson won a 9-person Under the Limit Battle Royale

Order of entry: 

1. Frankie Kazarian 

2. Scorpio Sky 

3. Christopher Daniels

4. Matt Jackson

5. Simon Lotto & Steven Andrews

6. Peter Avalon

7. Brandon Cutler

8. Nick Jackson

Order of exit:

1. Daniels

2. Sky

3. Avalon

4. Cutler

5. Lotto & Andrews

6. Kazarian

7. Matt

Sky and Kazarian did some Rocky III-inspired comedy. 

Daniels entered and tried to talk Kazarian and Sky into teaming with him. They threw Daniels out instead. Matt Jackson entered and tossed Sky. Jackson and Kazarian went for pinfalls and submissions. 

Kazarian hit a cutter on Andrews. Avalon entered. Kazarian kicked Avalon low. Avalon eliminated himself. Cutler entered and was immediately clotheslined over the top and eliminated.

Nick Jackson was the final entrant. He came in as the proverbial house of fire and hit a crossbody. Nick rolled outside and did some NBA Jam comedy with Sky. He also shot Avalon off a tennis net as if it were ring ropes.

Matt and Nick appeared to be the final two. They did a prolonged series of teases and counters that was awesome. Kazarian climbed out from under the ring and was promptly eliminated. 

Nick went out to the apron. They did a series of elimination teases. Matt and Nick traded strikes on the apron. 

The finish saw Matt tease a tombstone on the apron. Nick reversed and eliminated Matt with a German suplex off the apron. 


Nick said he wants to face Matt in the main event of BTE 200 to prove that he’s ready to return to AEW. Matt said Nick has no idea what he’s gotten himself into, then called his brother a prick. 

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